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[10-18] 干细胞、生殖和发育前沿论坛:New Insights into Mammalian Sexual Differentiation: Challenging the Paradigms  [2017-10-13]
“基因编辑科学与技术前沿论坛暨中国遗传学会基因组编辑分会成立大会”会议第二轮通知  [2017-09-18]
[9-7] 学术报告:Antibodyomics - Finding Needles In Haystack  [2017-09-06]
中国干细胞第七届年会(2017·银川)第二轮通知  [2017-04-10]
[4-13] 学术报告:Rare SNPs: one story, two tales  [2017-04-06]
[11-28] 干细胞、生殖和发育生物学论坛:mTOR Signaling in Adipose Tissue:Roles in Metabolism and Aging  [2016-11-23]
[11-17] 干细胞、生殖和发育前沿论坛:Development of new treatment for genetic hearing loss in the age of genome editing  [2016-11-14]
[11-1] 干细胞、生殖和发育前沿论坛:Chromatin reprogramming at the beginning of life when sperm fertilizes an egg  [2016-10-28]
2016北京国际干细胞及血液发育论坛会议通知  [2016-10-18]
[9-8] 学术报告:Blood Flow in the Embryonic Heart  [2016-09-06]
[6-30] 学术报告:gp78, E3 ubiquitin ligase and Autocrine Motility Factor Receptor: Role at the ER-Mitochondria Interface  [2016-06-22]
学术报告:gp78, E3 ubiquitin ligase and Autocrine Motility Factor Receptor: Role at the ER-Mitochondria Interface  [2016-06-22]
学术报告:How to Make One Cell from Two: Mechanisms of Cell-Cell Fusion  [2016-03-31]
干细胞、生殖和发育前沿论坛:Frontiers in Stem Cell, Reproduction and Development  [2015-12-24]
中韩干细胞与再生医学研讨会预告  [2015-12-21]
干细胞、生殖和发育前沿论坛:Sex-specific differences in human meiosis  [2015-11-13]
学术报告:遗传谱系示踪技术与细胞转分化研究  [2015-10-27]
“中国干细胞第五届年会(2015 ·重庆)”会议通知  [2015-08-19]
干细胞、生殖和发育前沿论坛:Deubiquitinase OTUD3 regulates PTEN stability and suppresses tumorigenesis  [2015-06-29]
干细胞、生殖和发育前沿论坛:Sag/Rbx2 E3 ubiquitin ligase plays a tissue-specific oncogenic or tumor suppressive role in tumorigenesis  [2015-06-29]
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