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于乐谦 研究员


- 工作人员:常欣(实验室主管),沈巧艳(博士后), 柳新宏(博士后)
- 研究生:赵剑超,元杨,任泓安,程书涵,张竣斐,张鑫,林思睿,修雨




人“类囊胚”的构建与应用 (Yu et al. 2021 Nature

“形成态”多能性干细胞(XPSCs)的建立(Yu et al. 2021 Cell Stem Cell



1. 基于人类多能干细胞构建人类早期胚胎发育、器官形成及疾病模型
2. 结合多能干细胞与微流控芯片技术研究人类早期胚胎发育关键事件
3. 不同物种来源的多能性干细胞的建立与应用。



  1. Yu, L. #; Wei, Y. #; Duan, J. #; Schmitz, D. A.; Sakurai, M.; Wang, L.; Wang, K.; Zhao, S.; Hon, G. C.*; Wu, J.*, Blastocyst-like structures generated from human pluripotent stem cells, Nature, 2021 (# Co-frist authors)
  • 该工作入选Science杂志评选“Sicence 2021年科学10大突破进展”
  • 该工作入选我国两院院士评选“2021年中国/世界十大科技进展新闻”
  • 该工作被Natrue杂志(Vol 591, Issue 7851)选为当期封面故事
  • 当期Nature杂志评论该工作“First complete model of the human embryo”
  • Nature新闻评论该工作“Lab-grown structures mimic human embryo's earliest stage yet”
  • Science新闻评论该工作 “Researchers re-create key human embryo stage in lab”
  • 该工作同时被世界范围600多家媒体机构报道,包括 Xinhua News, NPR News, US News, New York Times, NHK News, Asahi News, NBC News
  1. Liu, T. #; Li, J. #Yu, L. #; Sun, H.; Li, J.; Dong, G.; Hu, Y.; Li, Y.; Shen, Y.; Wu, J.*; Gu, Y.*, Cross-species single-cell transcriptomic analysis reveals pre-gastrulation developmental differences among pigs, monkeys, and humans, Cell discovery, 2021 (# Co-frist authors)
  2. Zheng, C. #; Hu, Y. #; Sakurai, M. #; Pinzon-Arteaga, C. A.; Li, J.; Wei, Y.; Okamura, D.; Ravaux, B.; Barlow, H. R.; Yu, L.; Sun, H.; Chen, E. H.; Gu, Y.; Wu, J.*, Cell competition constitutes a barrier for interspecies chimerism, Nature, 2021
  3. Yu, L.#; Logsdon, D. #; Pinzon-Arteaga, C.A. #; Duan, J. #; Ezashi, T. #; Wei, Y. #; Oura, S.; Liu, L.; Wang, L.; Liu, K.; Ding, X.; Zhan, L.; Zhang, J.; Nahar, A.; Stobbe, C.; Katz-Jaffe, M.; Schoolcraft, W.B.; Tan, T.; Hon, G.C. *; Yuan, Y. *; Wu, J.*, Large-scale production of human blastoids amenable to modeling blastocyst development and maternal-fetal cross talk, Cell Stem Cell, 2023 (# Co-frist authors)
  4. Wu, X.#; Zhao, W.;#, Wu, H.#; Zhang, Q.#; Wang, Y.; Yu, K.; Zhai, J.; Mo, F.; Wang, M.; Li, S.; Zhu, X.; Liang, X.; Hu, B.; Liu, G. H.; Wu, J. *; Wang, H. *; Guo, F. *; Yu, L.*, An aggregation of human embryonic and trophoblast stem cells reveals the role of trophectoderm on epiblast differentiation, Cell proliferation, 2023(# Co-frist authors)
  5. Wei Y#, Zhang E#, Yu L#, Ci B#, Sakurai M, Guo L, Zhang X, Lin S, Takii S, Liu L, Liu J, Schmitz DA, Su T, Zhang J, Shen Q, Ding Y, Zhan L, Sun HX, Zheng C, Xu L, Okamura D, Ji W*, Tan T*, Wu J*. Dissecting embryonic and extraembryonic lineage crosstalk with stem cell co-culture.,Cell.,2023(# Co-frist authors)
  6. Yu, L. #; Wei, Y. #; Sun, H. #; Mahdi, A. K.; Pinzon Arteaga, C. A.; Sakurai, M.; Schmitz, D. A.; Zheng, C.; Ballard, E. D.; Li, J.; Tanaka, N.; Kohara, A.; Okamura, D.; Mutto, A. A.; Gu, Y.; Ross, P. J.; Wu, J.*, Derivation of Intermediate Pluripotent Stem Cells Amenable to Primordial Germ Cell Specification, Cell Stem Cell, 2020 (# Co-frist authors)
  • Cell Stem Cell杂志评论该工作“Stabilizing Formative Pluripotent States with Germ Cell Competency
  • ScienceDaily New评论该工作 “Development of new stem cell type may lead to advances in regenerative medicine”
  • GEN News评论该工作“New Stem Cell Derived from Mice, Horses, and Humans”
  1. Vilarino, M.; Soto, D.A.; Bogliotti, Y. S.; Yu, L.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, C.; Paulson, E.; Zhong, C.; Jin, C.; Izpisua Belmonte, J. C.; Wu, J.; Ross, P .J.*, Derivation of sheep embryonic stem cells under optimized conditions. Reproduction, 2020
  2. Li, J. #; Zhang, L. #; Yu, L.; Minami, I.; Miyagawa, S.; Horning, M.; Dong, J.; Qiao, J.; Qu, X.; Hua, Y.; Fujimoto, N.; Shiba, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Tang, F.; Chen, Y.; Sawa, Y.*; Tang, C.*; Liu, L.*, Circulating re-entrant waves promote maturation of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes in self-organized tissue ring, Communications biology, 2020
  3. Yu, L. #; Li, J. #; Itsunari, M.; Qu, X.; Miyagawa, S.; Fujimoto, N.; Hasegawa, K.; Chen, Y.; Sawa, Y.; Kotera, H.; Liu, L.*, Clonal Isolation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells on Nanofibrous Substrates Reveals an Advanced Subclone for Cardiomyocyte Differentiation. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2019 (# Co-frist authors)
  • 该工作被Advanced Healthcare Materials杂志选为当期封面故事
  1. Li, R. #; Zhong, C. #; Yu, Y. #; Liu, H.; Sakurai, M.; Yu, L.; Min, Z.; Shi, L.; Wei, Y.; Takahashi, Y.; Liao, H.; Qiao, J.; Deng, H.; Nunez-Delicado, E.; Rodriguez Esteban, C.; Wu, J. *; Izpisua Belmonte, J. C.*; Generation of Blastocyst-like Structures from Mouse Embryonic and Adult Cell Cultures. Cell, 2019
  2. Zhang, Y.; Li, T.; Preissl, S.; Amaral, M.L.; Grinstein, J.D.; Farah, E.N.; Destici, E.; Qiu, Y.; Hu, R. Lee, A.Y.; Chee, S.; Ma, K.; Ye, Z.; Zhu, Q.; Huang, H.; Fang, R.; Yu, L.; Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.; Wu, J.; Evans, S.M.; Chi, N.C.*; Ren B*. Transcriptionally active HERV-H retrotransposons demarcate topologically associating domains in human pluripotent stem cells. Nature Genetics, 2019
  3. Xu, J.; Yu, L.; Guo, J.; Xiang, J.; Zheng, Z.; Gao, D.; Shi, B.; Hao, H.; Jiao, D.; Zhong, L.; Wang, Y.; Wu, J.*; Wei, H. *; Han, J*. Generation of pig induced pluripotent stem cells using an extended pluripotent stem cell culture system. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2019
  4. Yu, L.; Li, J.; Hong, J.; Takashima, Y.; Fujimoto, N.; Nakajima, M.; Dong, X.; Dang, Y.; Yang, W.; Okita, K.; Luo, C.; Tang, F.; Chen, Y.; Tang, C.*; Kotera, H.*; Liu, L.*, Low Cell-Matrix Adhesion Reveals Two Novel Subtypes of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reports, 2018
  5. Li, J. #; Minami, I. #; Yu, L.; Shiozaki, M.; Shiba, Y.; Yajima, S.; Morone, N.; Fukushima, S.; Yoshioka, M.; Li, S.; Qiao, J.; Li, X.; Wang, L.; Kotera, H.; Miyagawa, S.; Nakatsuji, N.; Sawa, Y.; Chen, Y.; Liu, L., Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiac Tissue-Like Constructs for Repairing of the Infarcted Myocardium. Stem Cell Reports, 2017
  6. Li, J.; Zhang, F.; Yu, L.; Fujimoto, N.; Yoshioka, M.; Li, X.; Shi, J.; Kotera, H.; Liu, L.* and Chen, Y. * , Culture substrates made of elastomeric micro-tripod arrays for long-term expansion of human pluripotent stem cells, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2017
  7. Li, X.#Yu, L.#; Li, J.; Minami, I.; Nakajima, M.; Noda, Y.; Kotera, H.; Liu, L.*; Chen, Y.*, On chip purification of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes using a fishnet-like microstructure, Biofabrication, 2016. (# Co-frist authors)
  8. Tang, Y.; Liu, L.; Li, J.; Yu, L.; Wang, L.; Shi, J.; Chen, Y.*, Induction and Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Functional Cardiomyocytes on a Compartmented Monolayer of Gelatin Nanofibers. Nanoscale, 2016
  9. Li, J.; Minami, I.; Yu, L.; Tsuji, K.; Nakajima, M.; Qiao, J.; Suzuki, M.; Shimono, K.; Nakatsuji, N.; Kotera, H.; Liu, L.*; Chen, Y.*, Extracellular Recordings of Patterned Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes on Aligned Fibers. Stem cells international, 2016
  10. Tang, Y.; Liu, L.; Li, J.; Yu, L.; Severino, F. P. U.; Wang, L.; Shi, J.; Tu, X.; Torre, V.; Chen, Y.*, Effective Motor Neuron Differentiation of Hipscs on a Patch Made of Crosslinked Monolayer Gelatin Nanofibers. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2016